Siddhant Deshmukh

Full stack developer

Thrive in dynamic environments and relish challenges that push my boundaries.

    React Express.js MongoDB Node.js Golang Python C++ Next.js Firebase AWS Google Cloud


Hello, I'm Siddhant Deshmukh, a recent graduate from 2023. I started software developemnt in my second year of college, where I tried many different things. Over the years, I have honed my skills in a variety of technologies, excelling particularly in the MERN stack, SQL, Tailwind CSS, Python, and TypeScript.

I also have introducotry knowledge of Kubernetes, GraphQL, and DevOps,.


Full Stack Intern at GoClock Technologies Pvt Ltd

  • Developed a MERN stack app with logging using Winston and authentication authorization with auth0.
  • Transformed the app into microservices and deployed it on GKE and Minikube
  • Used RabbitMQ and Fluentd for inter-service communication and centralized logging.
  • Improve the scalability and resilience by adopting microservice architecture and DevOps techniques.
MERN RabbitMQ Kubernetes auth0 Cloud Computing microservices


    Twitter Clone:

    • Developed a full-stack NextJS based social media website that allows users to tweet with text and media, like, retweet, comment, and view tweet feeds..
    • Uses Azure services for database, storage, authentication, and cloud functions.
    Next.js React.js TypeScript Azure

    Form App:

    • Built a full-stack web application that replicates Google Form functionality using the MERN stack.
    • Secured user authentication with JSONWebTokens and have OAuth options like Google, GitHub.
    Golang Gin PostgreSQL React.js Redux TypeScript

    Instagram Clone:

    • Styled the UI with tailwindcss and managed frontend caching and state with React Query.
    • Optimized and secured database queries using Firestore
    Firebase React.js React Query TypeScript Tailwindcss

    Google Form Clone:

    • Built a full-stack web application that replicates Google Form functionality using the MERN stack.
    • Secured user authentication with JSONWebTokens and have OAuth options like Google, GitHub.
    MERN Redux TypeScript MongoDB React.js Express.js Node.js

    Crypto dashboard:

    • Responsive, beautiful dashboard with dark mode.
    • Takes crypto data from the WazirX api and show in the dashboard.
    React.js TypeScript REST API

    Transport hub:

    • Through this app one can create an order and the suppliers will make a bid later the buyer can buy it.
    • Have chat functionality.
    MERN TypeScript MongoDB React.js Express.js Node.js


    • One can take users data, data-files and store and analyse them.
    • Using AWS s3 to store data files.
    AWS S3 MERN TypeScript

    Car Simulation:

    • The main purpose of this project is to create an environment where we can control a car and simulate things like roads, obsticles the car will face and this will be later used to train car drive automatically.
    Python Python Arcade Pymunk Physics Engine

    Static websites: